Friday, October 21, 2011

Back issue comic book collectors who hates new comics

So I often hear back issue collectors complaining about the new comics. They always complain about the same things. The art is not good, the writing is not good and its not what old comics were. I have heard this not just from one collector but from many different collectors. Some have even gone into extremes of refusing to buy any modern comics. Now I have wrote before about how comic shop owners / dealers are killing the hobby. Well now I'm going to say this, if you think this way then you are killing the hobby.
You see, change in anything is inevitable. Comics is a very minor thing that changes through time, many other things, more important things, will also change through time. These things will affect your life drastically. If you can't accept a minor change such as the art of a comic book how are you going to live in a world thats constantly changing?
Back to the subject, comics have changed. Newsflash, yes comics has changed. Gone are the old ways of writing, gone are the old styles of art. Not everything out there is good but nor is it bad. You just have to pick and choose what you like. If you don't like it don't buy it, but don't shun all of them either. Buying new comics is not the easiest thing to do, you wait every month for one book to come out and you have to constantly follow the title. If you grow tired of it or if your taste changes simply buy something else.
The more comics you stop buying the more the comic book business will suffer. And the more they suffer the less comics they print. If everyone thinks this way not only will the comic book hobby suffer there might be a possible chance that the comic book hobby ceases to exist. And in case collectors don't know, the back issue hobby and the new issue hobby goes hand in hand. Because eventually those new comics become back issues.

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