Friday, September 30, 2011

The sentimental value of a comic book

So we all have our favorite comics that we hold dear and close. Some of these may be because they are valuable money wise or because of sentimental reasons. The one comic I hold close to me... (not in that way) is Avengers Annual #10, the first appearance of Rogue of X-Men.
I still remember as a child I read this comic to death. This was the one character that lead me to reading Avengers. Before then it was X-Men and only X-Men comics I read. Then one day my mother got mad at me and tore up the book. I looked at it and gave it a proper burial in the trash. It has been many years since I thought back to what comics I had wanted to regain from my youth. I knew this was one comic I had to get back, so without further adieu here it is...

Its been upgraded from it's previous tattered form and I'm really happy about it.