Tuesday, October 18, 2011

How collectible dealers are killing the hobby.

Ok, this post can go anywhere really. Comic books, baseball cards, coins... simply insert here ________. I love going to a show or new hobby store to check out what I can find. The sheer awesomeness of a newly discovered store always excites me. When I walk in I like to absorb everything, the cards in the showcases, comic books hanging on walls, nicely antiqued tobacco tins in a curio...
Then the owner opens his mouth and everything falls apart. Its like having a dream about hitting the lotto jackpot and waking up only to find yourself on the cold ground. Really, why does store owners and collectible dealers act the way they do? They always blame the customers, not enough, too cheap, doesn't buy anything... the list goes on. But as a they say in psychology, you cannot see your own flaws, it takes others to point out your flaws. So the next time you (no not really you but a store owner) opens his mouth to complain, look in the mirror first.
Through my collecting years I believe I have seen it all. From the too friendly I wan't to kiss your butt so you will spend money to the I hate everybody so I'm going to treat you like garbage dealers in the hobby, I say this, shut your mouth and let the customer enjoy themselves in your store or booth.
I have seen owners toss comics halfway across the store simply because they want to. What makes you think we the customers want to see that? Those are the comics we may buy someday. I have seen owners be so pessimistic they pre-judge if a customer is going to spend money in their store. I have also seen owners charge absurd prices or don't give a damn about their customer's orders and neglect to give them what they want. In case these store owners don't realize, they need customers to hang around so they can stay in business.
These are the things I believe that makes any business work. Be kind, say hello, ask if they need help and thats it. Don't ask how much money the customer is carrying. Don't ask if the customer has a job, and lastly don't ignore your customers and talk to them only to check their bags. To all the store owner and staffs that do any of these things I just listed, I will say this to you. Close up your shop and stay the hell out of the hobby because you're giving the ________ collectible hobby a bad rap.

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